A Serious Look at International Politics
Do you know who this is?
Not sure? Here's another one.

Ok, here's one more hint:

That's right! It's the First Lady of France! It's the French Laura Bush. See the happy couple:

I guess there really is something to the old adage that power is an aphrodisiac. Or, to put it another way: "That dude is tappin' that?!?!"
Attention all single Italian heiress supermodels. I'm a Vice President. I've got a business card to prove it.
On an unrelated note, the buzz around Washington is that Bill Clinton is lobbying hard for the Ambassadorship in Paris.
Jeez! He looks like E.T. on a bad drunk. And she don't look nothing like Laura Bush (thank the lord).
But if you do hook up with her, please tell her that I am in fact the Secretary of something, and hook me up with one of her friends...
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